...a tastey snack to satisfy your active lifestyle.

5K your way to SUCCESS!

We’ve all been there, getting ready for a day at the pool, and cringing at the thought of wearing a bathing suit in public. Standing in front of the mirror and doing a double take at the inner tube you weren’t planning on taking with you to the pool, you say “okay, today I’m hitting the gym hard.” A few hours of sun and a daiquiri later, you decide “okay, I’ll go tomorrow…”
Why do we easily lose motivation to work out? We all want to be in shape, especially during these scarcely clothed summer months, but why can’t we commit? It’s no secret that people would rather be doing “fun” things instead of logging hours at the gym. A simple solution for the unmotivated, find a 5k and register today (and I mean today)!
A 5k race can serve as your motivation to get in shape and keep your fitness routine on track. Just by registering, you give purpose to your workouts and make it different from simply exercising every day (not to mention you get a free t-shirt, too!). By knowing you have an event ahead, you will keep your training regular and consistent. Also, you’re less likely to miss a work out session if you have goal in front of you. Better yet, sign up with a friend and challenge each other! Who wouldn’t want their workouts to be a social activity?
Whether you have never raced before or you just need some extra motivation, running a 5k is a great way to succeed at getting into shape—and summer is the perfect opportunity. There are tons of races across the country, find a local one at Active.com and sign up today! Your bikini will thank you.  

Have a Ball.

Lifting dumbbells can get boring fast, that’s why we can’t resist including a medicine ball in our routine! A med ball will help add fluidity to your toning--- In other words, you won’t be standing still working one muscle group, you’ll be upping the resistance in every move you make. Target certain areas, super-charge your cardio, and firm up all over in less time with these balls-y moves.
1.       Arm Blaster: Hold a weighted ball in front of you at shoulder height, arms extended and feet hip-width apart. Shifting med ball to left hand with palm facing up, slowly rotate your left arm out to side. Return to center, shift ball over to right hand and repeat on opposite side. Back to center completes one rep, do 10- 15 reps.
2.       Cardio Press: Holding a medicine ball above your head, run in place for 30 seconds, then pick it up to high knees for 20 more and rest for the last 10. To add intensity, push ball up and down overhead while keeping your feet moving. Repeat this for 5 minutes.  
3.       Squat Pick-up: Stand with feet wider than shoulders and place a medicine ball in front of you. Squat low and pick up ball. Rise up, raise ball overhead and bring it back down in front of you, repeat. Do 20-25 reps.
Buy a pair -- For more results, get a lighter weighted ball and another slightly heavier, 4- 6 lbs will work for your upper body; lower half, shoot for at least 8 lbs.

Early Mornings

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Even though I've been busy, running is never off of my to-do list. Its my favorite part! Here are some photos from a few of my latest...

Early morning run with a beautiful sunrise. Not a bad way to start your day!
Happy Valley, Atherton Street

Morning run along the shore line at Myrtle Beach, SC. The beach was wide and empty enough to feel like you could run for days.

 Oh, and what Beach trip wouldn't be complete without Beach Nail Art? Just thought I would share the latest design for some creative inspiration!