...a tastey snack to satisfy your active lifestyle.

Photo Contest Finalist!

Hi there! I mentioned in my previous Marathon posts that I submitted a photo to their Photo Contest. Well, my pic was chosen as a finalist in the category! Cool, right!?? You can help me win by "liking" my photo! All you have to do is go to Facebook and "like" The Dick's Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon page, and then click "like" on my photo. My photo is in the "runners on the course" category. Check out all the other awesome pics that other people submitted as wwell. Thanks! Stay tuned to see if I win the contest! :)  

To see my photo and all the other contest finalist photos,

Go to this link--- http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10150196585957701&set=a.10150196585757701.316180.139288502700&type=1&theater

P.S. There is a link to my facebook page in my sidebar-- click it and let's be friends! Thanks!


In honor of the PreClassic that was held on June 4th in Eugene, OR (aka TRACKTOWN, USA!) ...

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
    - Steve Prefontaine

Here's some of my fav photos from the competition!

They all have the same ready stance and look of determination, but each woman will run her very own race. 

The shape her legs is almost exactly opposite of the Nike swoosh below her.. How's that for form!?!

Beating the HEAT

Hey there! After a long 9 miler in 85 degree weather on Sunday, I wanted to share a few suggestions for staying safe out in the sun. So here's just a few suggestions on how to keep your runs fun in the sun....

SUNSCREEN- This is a MUST on sunny runs, keep your face, shoulders, and chest protected with a Sports sunblock that lasts through your run. Dont forget about your scalp, too! Wear a hat or bandana to keep your head protected.

SHADES- I have blogged about this before, but sunglasses are another important item when the sun is shining-- Especially if your out for a longer run. Your eyes can get really sore from all that exposure to the bright sun, so keep those peepers covered!

HYDRATION- Staying hydrated is ALWAYS important, but in the heat, its ESSENTIAL! Don try to go out for a longer run unless you know you have properly hydrated.

RE-HYDRATION- As important as being hydrated before your run is, it's even more important to put fluids back into your body once your done. With the hotter temps, you're sweating more and losing more fluids faster. Replenish your body with water and electrolytes found in sports drinks. Nothing like an ICE COLD gatorade after a long, hot run!

TIMING- This is the best advice I can offer: Try to time your runs in the cooler parts of the day, early morning or when the sun is going down. If your schedule doesn't allow for it, then use your judgement on whether the weather is right for a run outside or if you're better off indoors. And always take the necessary precautions if you are going to take on the heat!

Special Delivery!

I was so excited to receive this in the mail!!!! A trophy for placing 2nd in my age group for the Pittsburgh Half Marathon! My dad was driving through State College on a business trip and stopped to have lunch with me and give me the package that had arrived at my house in Scottdale. I thought he and my mom were bring silly and get a trophy made-- that is totally something they would do! Haha. But nope-- it was from the Pittsburgh Marathon office with a letter congratulating me on the race~ Woo hoo! When was the last time I get a trophy for something? Literally I think 8th grade Volleyball champions--haha. It was a nice little surprise that put a big smile on my face :)

To Be A RUNNER.. and so much more!!!

This past weeknd my Uncle Mark gave me a book and said "I know youre going to like this." To Be A RUNNER by Martin Dugard-- the title iself already had me excited to begin reading. Well, I cracked it open and truely savored the first 30 pages. Already I have related to so much of the content and have found myself taking down notes on phrases or quotes I want to remember. I want to take my time with this book and really let the words sink into my mind and soul. So far, it seems like Dugard has found the words to say a lot of what I think about and feel in regards to running and life-- and that's the first 30-some pages!!!   

 I can tell I am going to continue enjoying this read and I am looking forward to sharing what I find!

Thanks Uncle Mark! He knows me too well:)