...a tastey snack to satisfy your active lifestyle.

If the shoe fits, eat it!

Thought I'd share a little piece of my 25th birthday...
My mom has always had a thing about my twin sister and I each having our own cake. This year she really kicked it up with the shoe designs! They were too cute--- and yummy!  

(Hey, that blue and yellow Nike shoe looks familiar...)

Its August.. home stretch of summer!

 Get your butts in gear and read my article in Front Row Monthly's August issue. :)


5K your way to SUCCESS!

We’ve all been there, getting ready for a day at the pool, and cringing at the thought of wearing a bathing suit in public. Standing in front of the mirror and doing a double take at the inner tube you weren’t planning on taking with you to the pool, you say “okay, today I’m hitting the gym hard.” A few hours of sun and a daiquiri later, you decide “okay, I’ll go tomorrow…”
Why do we easily lose motivation to work out? We all want to be in shape, especially during these scarcely clothed summer months, but why can’t we commit? It’s no secret that people would rather be doing “fun” things instead of logging hours at the gym. A simple solution for the unmotivated, find a 5k and register today (and I mean today)!
A 5k race can serve as your motivation to get in shape and keep your fitness routine on track. Just by registering, you give purpose to your workouts and make it different from simply exercising every day (not to mention you get a free t-shirt, too!). By knowing you have an event ahead, you will keep your training regular and consistent. Also, you’re less likely to miss a work out session if you have goal in front of you. Better yet, sign up with a friend and challenge each other! Who wouldn’t want their workouts to be a social activity?
Whether you have never raced before or you just need some extra motivation, running a 5k is a great way to succeed at getting into shape—and summer is the perfect opportunity. There are tons of races across the country, find a local one at Active.com and sign up today! Your bikini will thank you.  

Have a Ball.

Lifting dumbbells can get boring fast, that’s why we can’t resist including a medicine ball in our routine! A med ball will help add fluidity to your toning--- In other words, you won’t be standing still working one muscle group, you’ll be upping the resistance in every move you make. Target certain areas, super-charge your cardio, and firm up all over in less time with these balls-y moves.
1.       Arm Blaster: Hold a weighted ball in front of you at shoulder height, arms extended and feet hip-width apart. Shifting med ball to left hand with palm facing up, slowly rotate your left arm out to side. Return to center, shift ball over to right hand and repeat on opposite side. Back to center completes one rep, do 10- 15 reps.
2.       Cardio Press: Holding a medicine ball above your head, run in place for 30 seconds, then pick it up to high knees for 20 more and rest for the last 10. To add intensity, push ball up and down overhead while keeping your feet moving. Repeat this for 5 minutes.  
3.       Squat Pick-up: Stand with feet wider than shoulders and place a medicine ball in front of you. Squat low and pick up ball. Rise up, raise ball overhead and bring it back down in front of you, repeat. Do 20-25 reps.
Buy a pair -- For more results, get a lighter weighted ball and another slightly heavier, 4- 6 lbs will work for your upper body; lower half, shoot for at least 8 lbs.

Early Mornings

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Even though I've been busy, running is never off of my to-do list. Its my favorite part! Here are some photos from a few of my latest...

Early morning run with a beautiful sunrise. Not a bad way to start your day!
Happy Valley, Atherton Street

Morning run along the shore line at Myrtle Beach, SC. The beach was wide and empty enough to feel like you could run for days.

 Oh, and what Beach trip wouldn't be complete without Beach Nail Art? Just thought I would share the latest design for some creative inspiration!


Photo Contest Finalist!

Hi there! I mentioned in my previous Marathon posts that I submitted a photo to their Photo Contest. Well, my pic was chosen as a finalist in the category! Cool, right!?? You can help me win by "liking" my photo! All you have to do is go to Facebook and "like" The Dick's Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon page, and then click "like" on my photo. My photo is in the "runners on the course" category. Check out all the other awesome pics that other people submitted as wwell. Thanks! Stay tuned to see if I win the contest! :)  

To see my photo and all the other contest finalist photos,

Go to this link--- http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10150196585957701&set=a.10150196585757701.316180.139288502700&type=1&theater

P.S. There is a link to my facebook page in my sidebar-- click it and let's be friends! Thanks!


In honor of the PreClassic that was held on June 4th in Eugene, OR (aka TRACKTOWN, USA!) ...

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
    - Steve Prefontaine

Here's some of my fav photos from the competition!

They all have the same ready stance and look of determination, but each woman will run her very own race. 

The shape her legs is almost exactly opposite of the Nike swoosh below her.. How's that for form!?!

Beating the HEAT

Hey there! After a long 9 miler in 85 degree weather on Sunday, I wanted to share a few suggestions for staying safe out in the sun. So here's just a few suggestions on how to keep your runs fun in the sun....

SUNSCREEN- This is a MUST on sunny runs, keep your face, shoulders, and chest protected with a Sports sunblock that lasts through your run. Dont forget about your scalp, too! Wear a hat or bandana to keep your head protected.

SHADES- I have blogged about this before, but sunglasses are another important item when the sun is shining-- Especially if your out for a longer run. Your eyes can get really sore from all that exposure to the bright sun, so keep those peepers covered!

HYDRATION- Staying hydrated is ALWAYS important, but in the heat, its ESSENTIAL! Don try to go out for a longer run unless you know you have properly hydrated.

RE-HYDRATION- As important as being hydrated before your run is, it's even more important to put fluids back into your body once your done. With the hotter temps, you're sweating more and losing more fluids faster. Replenish your body with water and electrolytes found in sports drinks. Nothing like an ICE COLD gatorade after a long, hot run!

TIMING- This is the best advice I can offer: Try to time your runs in the cooler parts of the day, early morning or when the sun is going down. If your schedule doesn't allow for it, then use your judgement on whether the weather is right for a run outside or if you're better off indoors. And always take the necessary precautions if you are going to take on the heat!

Special Delivery!

I was so excited to receive this in the mail!!!! A trophy for placing 2nd in my age group for the Pittsburgh Half Marathon! My dad was driving through State College on a business trip and stopped to have lunch with me and give me the package that had arrived at my house in Scottdale. I thought he and my mom were bring silly and get a trophy made-- that is totally something they would do! Haha. But nope-- it was from the Pittsburgh Marathon office with a letter congratulating me on the race~ Woo hoo! When was the last time I get a trophy for something? Literally I think 8th grade Volleyball champions--haha. It was a nice little surprise that put a big smile on my face :)

To Be A RUNNER.. and so much more!!!

This past weeknd my Uncle Mark gave me a book and said "I know youre going to like this." To Be A RUNNER by Martin Dugard-- the title iself already had me excited to begin reading. Well, I cracked it open and truely savored the first 30 pages. Already I have related to so much of the content and have found myself taking down notes on phrases or quotes I want to remember. I want to take my time with this book and really let the words sink into my mind and soul. So far, it seems like Dugard has found the words to say a lot of what I think about and feel in regards to running and life-- and that's the first 30-some pages!!!   

 I can tell I am going to continue enjoying this read and I am looking forward to sharing what I find!

Thanks Uncle Mark! He knows me too well:)

Healthy U Challenge

I work at Penn State University. During the Spring Semester, employees were able to sign up for a "friendly" Challenge to encourage Healthy and Active lifestyles. Some of my fellow co-workers and I decided to take on the challenge so we formed our group-- the Pollock Peanuts. Pollock was the name of the unit we worked in and peanuts was added because we are all a little "nutty" at times.... 

The challenge was over the course of 8 weeks and based on a point system. The goal was to get the most possible points by eating the right servings of fruit and veggies, drinking the right amount of water, engage in physical activity, no use of alcohol or tobacco products, and also random bonus categories. (like for one week, no sugar, or eat as a vegetarian at least 5 days of the week, or keep a food journal for a week) You could do the challenge as a Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced level.

Everyone did their part, motivating each other throughout the workday to eat your veggies and skip dessert! We all had matching water bottles to help track our ounces of water. My team kicked butt and we won the Challenge! Here we are in the Newsletter:

Go Peanuts!

Helping Friends (and Feet!)

My good friend, Jessica, an avid runner with a low-arched foot or two, asked me the other day if I had any suggestions for running shoes. I shared with her this helpful link on Nike's website: : http://nikerunning.nike.com/nikeos/p/nikeplus/en_US/footwear_finder. Just type in your "foot" info and they give you suggestions for appropriate running shoes. You can get help by going to specialty running stores, also, where they will watch how you run, the shape of your feet, and suggest certain things to help your stride.

I have certainly tried on a lot of different shoe styles and brands. It's fun to try new things, but I typically end up with the same, reliable and dependable style that works for me. The most important thing is honestly the comfort level. If your feet are not happy, they won't work hard for you. I would suggest to make sure you are talking to a knowledgable sales person, first. I would also try on the shoes and go for a little jog around the store. You never know exactly how the shoe fits until your running in it. When you get home, you should wear the shoes around the house to see how they feel for a while. You will be able to tell if they are right for you or not.

For me, its comfort, stability, resiliance, light-weight.

Finding the "perfect" shoe might be tough, which is why I am glad I can keep coming back to my Nike Pegasus.

Style Award

At the finish line of the Marathon and Half Marathon, every finisher receives a medal. They have booths set up where you can get your medal engraved with your name and time when you exit the finish line area. My Aunt Carol was nice enough to offer to get mine engraved for me! I was pretty excited about it ( I didn't engrave mine last year). 

Of course I had to have my signature nail art for the Marathon. The lightning bolt is my good luck charm. I wore it last year for the Half, and I have a lighning bolt necklace I wear on occasions if I need some extra "luck."
And my outfit choice was a major hit! I got a lot of compliments before, during, and after the race! Spectators liked my color choices and fellow runners complimented my custom shoes! I was definitly the "brightest" runner on the road-- and my family didn't have too hard of a time spotting me on the course!

The Medal completes my ensemble.. don't ya think??!! :)

Thanks for viewing my post on my 2nd Half Marathon Experience! I hope you enjoyed reading about it as much as I did RUNNING in it!

Thank you fellow runners for staying motivated--- know that you are inspiring SOMEBODY out there. 

A Family Affair..... More on the Marathon!

This is me waiting in my corral at the starting line! My twin sister, Samantha, was with me for the start of the race. She was so great! She helped me so much it was like having my very own personal assistant-- starting with driving us to Pittsburgh from State College the night before, taking me to the race that morning and finding me the shortest line for the bathrooms! Haha. She's awesome. My whole family is so supportive and I love sharing this experience with them. My Mom, Dad, brother, sister, Aunt and Brother-in-Law were all there cheering me on! My older sister couldnt be there this year but she was the first to call and hear the results! It's a blessing to have a great support system throughout training as well-- having people checking in on you to see how your doing, making sure you are feeling okay, its what family is all about!  
At the finish line festival showing off my medal! Yay! I never would have expected to place 2nd in my age group. It was a great accomplishment and one of my proudest moments. I truely felt that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. It was AMAZING and it's no wonder I'm hooked on these Half Marathons! I love everything about them-- the training, the pushing your body to new limits, the challenge of new goals, the competition with other runners, THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH! Does it get any better??!!
An ode to the many bridges we ran over! When we took this photo, a few people around saw and thought the location was great! They wanted to do the same thing-- we started a little photo-op trend! It is a pretty cool spot. Check out that sky in the background-- doesn't look too friendly, but honestly the weather was PERFECT for the race. It was warm with a light sprinkling rain to keep you cool.

Told ya--- SMILES! Haha I really enjoyed myself during the race. Haha I am such a nerd.

Pittsburgh Half Marathon May 15th, 2011

Hello Everyone! I am very pleased to let you all see my final time for my second Half Marathon in Pittsburgh, PA! (Forgive me, I am a little excited!)

Here is the full list of results! Congrats to everyone.
The Runners, Volunteers, and Spectators were all AMAZING!

I never expected to get 2nd in my age group and to shave 9 minutes off my time from last year! Excited, Proud, feeling like I can do anything-- it's hard to top that but I can't wait until next year(is it bad to already be anticipating my next Half?).. haha :)

This year's Marathon was better than ever! (well, at least comparing to last year!) I can't tell you how amazing it is to run through the city of Pittsburgh! The feeling is unlike anything else. I truely was smiling from ear to ear for the majority of the race. The few times I may not have been smililg was probably at mile 5 when I got a cramp in my side for a brief moment (thank goodness for a quick sip at a water station!-- thanks Volunteers!) or when another female runner passed me up right when I went by my family. Haha but definitly all SMILES for the end of the race.  

These photos below are from a photographer who took some awesome pictures of just about everyone in the race! Nick Hodnick Photography: Check them out!   http://www.hodnick.net/Sports/2011-Pittsburgh-Marathon/17105751_DmwPsx#1296199185_s4kvKSx

See below-- girl on my left about to pass me for a moment, YOU GO, GIRL! But... I did catch up and finish before her in the end :) It's GREAT to find other runners on the course that make you push yourself to go faster and she was definitly one of them. THANKS!

People have been telling me that I seem so calm in my running photos. Well, all I can say is that I am  focusing on just that--- STAYING CALM. Letting myself just breathe naturally and let my body do the work I KNOW it can do. That is why you put in the training, so you can feel more at ease while you are runnning the race. But my body definitly wasn't working alone! My MIND was on point and I truely believe that it took over somewhere around mile 7 to keep me going.

It was at the moment when I saw my 10k time on the time clock--- under 42 minutes. That's when I realized I have been running under a 7 minute mile pace until that point. I thought "there is no way I can finish at this pace-- I have never done a training run this long at a sub 7 minute mile pace." Well, that thought was cut short when a very tall man  ran up behind me and said "are you going to keep this pace? If you are, I want to stay with you-- I am at a 6:55 pace right now." When I heard him say outloud the sub 7 min pace, I got SO INCREDIBLY MOTIVATED! I knew that I would finish the race going at that speed. So we certainly did stay together and pushed eachother from mile 8 until the end. Having another runner want to stick with me gave me motivation to push him as well as myself. I was totally relaxed and able to carry on brief conversation during mile 8 to 11. After those miles, we picked up our pace and the talking was cut down to "we got this! " and "you can do it!" 

We finished the race a step apart from each other. Check out these pictures of me and my tall counterpart. Our strides were even in- sync for most of the race! Pretty crazy considering the length of his legs compared to mine!

I submitted this series of pictures to The Pittsburgh Marathon Photo Contest. http://www.pittsburghmarathon.com/Left_Nav/Race_Weekend_Activities/Photo_Contest.htm
I called it "opposite in size, alike in strides."  

POP of color

Deciding what to wear for my race is always fun. I like to coordinate my running ensemble a little bit more than my every day run. I mean hey, thousands of people watching you run doesnt happen too often for me so why not!?! Since I will be rocking my awesome custom sneaks, I used them as my starting point to get an idea for what I wanted to wear-- starting from the ground up I guess you could say!

Over the years, I have adopted Blue as my unofficial uniform color. Don't ask why-- it just is what it is! So here I have a few items that coordinate with my shoes.

                 (above) Turquoise Compression Shorts
                               Nike.com $22
          (right) Dedication Long-vent training top
                               Nike.com $42

(below) Yellow Racerback Tank
Black Stretch Shorts
Forever 21 $12.80 & $8.80

The colors are all right, but which combo is best? Stay Tuned to see what I end up with!

Shoes on Track

So, I am patiently waiting (and waiting) for my custom Nike ID shoes to arrive. I have been tracking the package online so I can see where in the world it is and at what time. So far, my shoes have started in China, gone to Hong Kong, Taiwan, The Philippines, back to China, then Japan, then Louisville, Kentucky, back to Japan, now they are chilling up in Anchorage, Alaska! They are scheduled to arrive tomorrow so hopefully the tracking is right on well.. track..  and I will get my shoes!!!

My shoes have already been so many places, guess I'll have to see where can take them next... :)


The Pittsburgh Marathon is in 24 days! I will be running the Half marathon for the 2nd year in a row. This year is especially exciting for me because it is my final run in the 18-24 age group! My last chance to improve in this category then on to the next (and probably toughest) group of females! So, I am appropriately celebrating 24 days until the race because I am going to represent all the ladies at the top of our age group this year! My goal is to improve my time to around 7:49 minute miles. I was slightly under 8 minute miles last year giving me a time of 1:39:59. As long as I improve by even a few seconds (hopefully a little more, though!) I will be happy! May 15th-- I'll be ready!

Ding ding ding we have a winner! The Kettlebell Workout

I have tried a lot of exercises over the years, and when it comes to strength training, I've tried just about everything! I am always looking for something new and challenging to change it up and give me results. Now, my favorite moves are those with Kettlebells-- a tool that helps shape and tone you all over! It's not only music to my ears-- but to my arms, legs, butt and core! Try some Kettlebell workouts and you'll be ringing in benefits in no time: total-body toning, increased cardiovascular fitness, core strengthening and improved posture and balance. 

Here are some of my favorite exercises with Kettlebells:

Chair row

A. Hold a kettlebell with both hands in front of thighs, palms facing you, and stand with feet together. Inhale, then exhale as you squat (kettlebell will be in front of knees).

B. Inhale as you raise kettlebell toward chin, bending your elbows out to the sides. Exhale as you lower the weight. Repeat, holding the squat the entire time.
Too tough? Place a rolled towel or small pillow between your thighs and lower into only a half squat position

Warrior Press

A. Hold a kettlebell with both hands in front of chest, elbows pointing down. Lunge forward with right leg until thigh is parallel to ground, and turn left foot out, shoulders and hips squared forward.

B. Inhale, then slowly exhale as you press kettlebell overhead. Inhale and lower weight.
Too tough? Bend front knee only slightly


  A. Hold the sides of a kettlebell handle with both hands in front of chest, elbows bent and palms facing each other. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulders, toes pointing out and knees slightly bent.

B. Squat until thighs are parallel to the ground and elbows touch legs (only go as low as you're comfortable with), rise up and repeat. Do 15 to 20 reps.


A. Sit on the ground with knees bent. Hold a kettlebell in left hand next to right shoulder and wrap right hand around left. Lean back, then raise feet.

B. Shift your weight to the right as you pull the kettlebell down to your left side. Return to start and repeat; switch sides to complete set.


A. Holding a kettlebell in your left hand, arm extended overhead and palm facing forward, stand with feet staggered, right in front of left and about a foot apart.

B. Shift weight into your left hip and bend forward at your hips as you rotate your torso left, keeping your left arm raised and reaching your right hand toward your right foot. Rise up and repeat; switch sides to complete set.



A. Stand with feet wider than shoulders and hold a kettlebell in right hand in front of hips, arm straight and palm facing body. Squat, shifting hips back, as you lower the kettlebell between your legs, then swing it forward to chest height as you rise up.

B. Squeeze your butt and push your hips forward as you stand. Lower into a squat as you swing the weight between your legs and repeat; switch hands halfway through the set.

(An added bonus--- these workouts take way less time than typical weight-training routines becuase you are almost constantly moving and toning!)


Kickin it up a notch!

So with my Half marathon training fully underway I felt like I needed a power boost, something to get me up and energized a little bit more. What better way to do that then to GET NEW SHOES!!!!! I have been wanting to customize some Nike kicks for a while now and this is the perfect time to do so!

Here is what I designed for myself-- totally Pittsburgh Marathon inspired!
There was only one requirement of these shoes-- they had to be some kind of blue. I ALWAYS have blue shoes, it's just my thing.

I think these hit the mark! And I punched up the bright turquoise-y blue with the LIVESTRONG yellow swoosh and laces-- a color that I also love!

                                           Of course I had to customize the ID with my nickname!!!! (I wish you were able to customize each shoe individually for this part-- I would have made the left shoe say RUN so it would read RUN BESS
I can't wait for these shoes to get here! I hope I have enough time to break them in. Now I am even more pumped thanks to a kickstart from these sweet new kicks!


Finally made it to the sun and sand in Miami! Couldnt be happier at the beach-- and yes, i DID get in some awesome running while on vacation!
Nikki Beach

Drew and I on Nikki Beach
(First day-- in desperate need of some sun! haha)

Miami Beach (North)

Cloudy last day-- But it made for one of our best days! Stayed out on the beach until 4:30pm and evened out our Miami tans.. woo-hoo!

Palm trees and an ocean breeze-- All smiles for me!

Drew and I on the path between our hotel and the beach-- Where I did my morning runs! It had the PERFECT breeze to balance the heat on a bright, sunny AM run.

Early wake-up call to see the sun rise! Wasn't going to miss this-- pictures don't do it justice.

Calm, peaceful. serene--- truely refreshing. 

I wish I could see this more often!

Miami-- Can I live here, PLEASE!?

New Addiction

Chobani Greek Yogurt. I have been enjoying this tastey protein-packed treat for a few months now. The texture is perfectly creamy and the flavors are delicious! Its hard to pick a favorite, but for today, it's raspberry. Or maybe blueberry....

Try this--- you can add cereal or granola to give make it even more satisfying! My mix- Chobani Greek Yogurt in Vanilla with Special K red berries Cereal.
